The LaTeX sources of my Ph.D. thesis
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dipre split.tex (1008B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[
      2 		word after/.style={right=0.9mm of #1, inner sep=0},
      3 		defbrace/.style={decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5}},
      4 		underdef/.style={midway,anchor=north,yshift=-1mm},
      5 		overdef/.style={midway,anchor=south,yshift=1mm}
      6 	]
      7 	\node[inner sep=0]       (prefix) {\strut \texttt{<li><b>}};
      8 	\node[word after=prefix] (e1)     {\strut \textsc{title}};
      9 	\node[word after=e1]     (infix)  {\strut \texttt{</b>} by};
     10 	\node[word after=infix]  (e2)     {\strut \textsc{author}};
     11 	\node[word after=e2]     (suffix) {\strut \ (\ \null};
     13 	\draw[defbrace] (prefix.south east) -- (prefix.south west) node [underdef] {\strut prefix};
     14 	\draw[defbrace] (infix.south east) -- (infix.south west) node [underdef] {\strut infix};
     15 	\draw[defbrace] (suffix.south east) -- (suffix.south west) node [underdef] {\strut suffix};
     16 	\draw[defbrace] (e1.north west) -- (e1.north east) node [overdef] {\strut \(e_1\)};
     17 	\draw[defbrace] (e2.north west) -- (e2.north east) node [overdef] {\strut \(e_2\)};
     18 \end{tikzpicture}